From the archives: Alfred Munnings

Alfred Munnings began drawing when he was six years old, and was enrolled in his first art class by the age of seven. It’s said that whenever he asked his father to sketch something, Mr Munnings Senior would always draw horses, so it comes as no surprise that Alfred would go on to be one of the most famous and prolific painters of horses in the world.

We discovered this fascinating article while exploring the Winsor & Newton archives. It forms part of our When they were very young: Juvenalia of some celebrated artists series. Written in the 1950s when Munnings was still alive, this piece contains a charming example of a watercolour painting he made when he was just nine years old. We’re proud to say Munnings was an avid user of Winsor & Newton materials and even attempted his first serious outdoor figure painting on a Winsor & Newton canvas.
Click here to download a copy of the original article